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Photo Blog

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Also Known As :
Rising Gods Of The East
JYJ (jaejoong yoochun junsu)
HoMin (yunho changmin)

Yunho (Leader, Bass vocal)
Jaejoong (Main vocal)
Changmin (High vocal)
Junsu (Middle high vocal)
Yoochun (Middle low vocal)


September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 June 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 April 2011 June 2011 August 2011 October 2011 November 2011 April 2012

Designer: !lovebites
Image host: Tinypic
Images: OneTVXQ
Inspirations: OneYoosu
Image done in Photoshop CS2
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 @ 6:56 AM

Changmin's glare scares me

Apparently, changmin lost his phone and this photo of yunjae was found :)
Thanks changmin!
It's yunjae because the windbreakers matched!

All of the below are gifs. Click on it to view if it's not moving!

skinship is important to jaejoong xD
speechless O-O

yunho getting changmin's hands off jae
to yunjae, all other members of dbsk are invisible ;p

Recent yunjae's words and interviews
Jaejoong's twitter : 'I don't think I need a girlfriend'
Yunho: 'In the past, I have this strong thought of wanting to get married no matter what but now, I think I'll wait till I'm be able to be responsible to her. It's fine even if there's no dating.'
(we know yj are unable to meet publicly now T-T. It's fine even if there's no dates, he'll wait)
Jaejoong's new song 'I'll protect you'
'Even your bad habits make me smile when I'm tired'
Yunho's recent interview
'The most difficult to understand in this world is women. The longer time goes, the more difficult it is to understand. But on contrary, I think it is good too. I might discover a side that I did not know and
even though it is a negative trait, it still feels refreshing'
jaejoong is always saying 'yunho doesn't treat me like a man' and yunho said a few times that he and changmin are the only man in the group. Yunho also said he often wonders what jaejoong is thinking about when he looks at his face. He said that jaejoong is hard to figure out and always has interesting thoughts...

remember this? ^^
Monday, August 1, 2011 @ 2:18 AM

This was a few days ago but I had no time to post until now. Jae tweeted that he missed yunho and changmin. The tweet on the top.
the translation

This is prain's ceo's reply to jae
translation: why not? you are always someone who thinks for others.You are always thinking for your younger brothers (note: jaejoong is the eldest in DBSK). You always kept the photo of all 5 as your cell phone wallpaper. You are really a wonderful person. A real person.
And choi him chan (ballerino) who always talks to jae on twitter, jae went to watch his dance and he's is a close friend of yunho, he's from yunho's 85 club as well. He tweeted that w is one but removed it because stans bashed him. -_-
crazy b*tches... W is the sign of cassiopeia.

Because you’re here.. All the younger brothers are here.. Because of you.. We can hear your thoughts about ‘the five’.. W is One! Cool guy…! Good day! ^_^

I wanted to post another thing the last time but was too lazy. Here it is. A chinese fan went to jaejoong's cosmetic shop and saw that he displayed a photo of him and yunho before debut with the elephant couple ;p
Remember jae's tweet about the elephants? We all know jae loves elephants and maybe this pair stands for yunjae. It's the same elephant he tweeted, since they both had the white flower on the head. Just that jae added an accessory on the neck

This was when they were on happy together. I didn't screencap all but basically they were saying they played a card game called 'Go'? And yunho lost. They've shared this story on shows a few times already. I remember seeing it but I can't remember what other shows besides happy together
100 만언
Then when homin went to strong heart, changmin told the same story. I didn't screencap fully. The subs here are not that complete. In another subbed video, he said 'he met a bet with someone and he said if he can knit.....for one month he was knitting non stop' The 'someone' and 'the winner' changmin was talking about is actually yoochun but he couldn't say it  T-T
When Yunho went on strong heart later, the one with hyunhoong (jae's best friend), he also talked about what happened to all 5 of them at bora bora. He talked about how they were all naked and the things that happened there T-T The producer even showed the a short part they filmed there and photo of all 5 of them. sobs. These are the public evidence to share that they're well. Those stans keep thinking they hate each other. If they do, will they talk about each other? There are also other evidences but too lazy to post. Some are private and can't share. I'll upload some pics now before I go. There are too many on my pc and I want to clear them

This blonde girl/stylist is always with them and getting on the nerves of many fans lol

wanna squish junsu
Get your hands off chun !!~~~~~
Jae during the filming of protect the boss. I've watched the trailer, it seems a good show! Support him!
yah better not let yunho see this!

With fahrenheit when they went to DBSK's concert. They are fans of DBSK. So many boybands have said that they're fans of DBSK that I've lost count...

jae got molested. again.
Hong seok chun tweeted this photo of him and yunho the last time. Hong seok chun and jae follows each other on twitter and he went to jaejoong's birthday party this year too. When he came out of the closet in 2005, he said that he had talked to the most famous gay couple in the showbiz everyone wants to know about. He said he promised not to reveal. The most famous couple is always voted as yunjae and yunjae are close friends of hong seok chun. Know what I mean? You would only reveal to your close friend that you're gay. Not just any friend right? If you watched happy together, yunjae also said they went to hong seok chun hyung's cafe for dinner. Google hong seok chun, yunjae. I'm too lazy to post it here. Man , sometimes I think of starting a blog to share OT5 and yunjae evidence and fanaccounts but I have to time to manage it always and if I really started it, I can only share public evidence and not private ones. So hmm maybe not..I got to know another private evidence yesterday hehe (: