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Photo Blog

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Also Known As :
Rising Gods Of The East
JYJ (jaejoong yoochun junsu)
HoMin (yunho changmin)

Yunho (Leader, Bass vocal)
Jaejoong (Main vocal)
Changmin (High vocal)
Junsu (Middle high vocal)
Yoochun (Middle low vocal)


September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 June 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 April 2011 June 2011 August 2011 October 2011 November 2011 April 2012

Designer: !lovebites
Image host: Tinypic
Images: OneTVXQ
Inspirations: OneYoosu
Image done in Photoshop CS2
Friday, December 10, 2010 @ 6:26 AM

I don't understand why some people are bashing homin. Just read the comments at sharing yoochun. I'm so disappointed everytime I read them. A friend told me her friend who went to korea saw some so called 'fans' throwing rocks at yunho and changmin. I was shocked and then I came across this

Seriously? What have ho min done? Just because their friends sue SM doesn't mean that they have to. How old are those fans? Do they think sueing is that easy? Firstly, it requires tons of MONEY. Yoochun have to sell his car and heard that JYJ is running short of money because of the lawsuit. They also have to consider many things. Troubles they will face after leaving the company, SM's boycott, what they will do in future. Sueing can take many years or a few years at least for the lawsuit to have a result. So the bottom line is If HoMin is satisfied with SM then why sue? Unless fans who bash homin can say that they will sue the company they like just because their friends do that, or else please respect their decision and stop the bashing!

How is not sueing = to traitor may I know? Maybe they don't really care about SM's pay and 13 year long contract. I've got to admit that even though SM have a slave contract, they are really good in promoting their artistes. Some fans even said that HoMin stayed in SM because they want money. Did they even read the contract? They get paid peanuts!

And many say they are disappointed and will not be supporting HoMin because they are going to continue with the name TVXQ in their new album. Do they think that something as important as their band name is up to them to decide? Even if they talked to SM, do they think that SM will agree for them to come up with a new unknown name? If SM is so agreeable, then JYJ wouldn't have to sue SM to make them take their appeal seriously. Didn't JYJ say that they tried talking to SM for quite some time before sueing but SM ignored them totally and refused to negotiate with them? Wondergirls had 2 members who left, 2pm, U kiss, superjunior have members who left too. So do you think their companies will allow them to change names? Why is cassiopeia so not understanding? I don't see other fans complaining. It is understandable that TVXQ is a brand name just like 'Yamaha or Apple'. Which company would allow them to change into a new unknown name? Get real and grow up. Homin are not even shareholders like boa and kangta. If u read their ginger interview, u could tell they struggled to use this name too.
How did it feel with just the two of you standing on stage?
Yunho “When we decided to use the name of TVXQ to sing, our hearts were very confused. On the first day at Seoul, when we stood onstage, a tremendous amount of applause and cheering welcomed us, which made me deeply understand that ‘there are people who are waiting for us. I can only continue living when I stand onstage.’
Changmin: “This was the first time in my life that I felt so nervous. The staff must’ve been thinking, ‘are these two going to be okay?’ Compared to the external surroundings, I was mainly having an internal battle of pressure. When Yunho and I silently looked each other in the eyes, we nodded simultaneously to express ‘let’s go!’ To this day, it is still deeply engraved in my mind.”

I don't think true fans will stop supporting because of a name...And for the fans who blamed yunho and changmin for releasing those letters, I don't think it's by them! For an important document, yunho signing with a star is ridiculous and changmin signing with his chinese name is just weird. Wasn't it proven in court that SM forged the JYJ's signatures for DBSK concert in ShenZhen? If SM can forge contract signatures, what more a document which is just for release to the press? Even if HoMin saw the letters "released by them". What can they do? Call the media and say SM forged it?
Some fans also said that since HoMin are staying in SM, they must be agreeing with SM's evil actions towards JYJ. Just because homin stays in SM doesn't mean they like it when SM attacks JYJ! Are those fans crazy for even thinking that? Do they think that their bond is so weak? Afterall, they had been together for 9 years, gone from underage to legal age together. Jae tweeted about stalker fans just a few days ago (which he deleted soon after) "ALL FIVE OF OUR MEMBERS have cried at home or on the street"
JYJ made it clear through their songs like 'pierrot' and 'empty' that they won't go back to SM but in in their hearts, the 5 of them are always members. Btw, I also saw a blog saying that homin got threw stones again when they went to JYJ's After concert Party.

There has been many fans asking everyone to boycott HoMin's upcoming kyhd album. Let's be realistic. It will only do more harm. It's no use. SM doesn't earn their income from just HoMin alone. There's still SNSD, superjunior and shinee. By boycotting them, SM will think that DBSK's popular members are only jyj, HoMin is not popular anymore and put them in the backseat. They will start focusing on other artistes like SNSD and HoMin will fade out slowly. In fact, they're already focusing a lot on SNSD now. Now that DBSK is on hiatus, SM is saying that SNSD is their top income earner. I'm also boycotting SM but never HoMin okay? HoMin will be so upset if they put in so much effort in their album and no one wants to buy it.
Boycott all SM artistes except HoMin.
And fans think if the albums don't sell well, SM will let DBSK go. That's the most foolish thing I've ever heard. If albums don't sell well, they just won't let u release an album anymore. And put them on shows since producing an album needs quite a lot of money but putting them on shows is a sure earn and they don't have to spend money producing. And if u know their contract, they don't get paid for going on shows. They only get paid for singing.
Fans want them to be like junjin or moon hee jun now? Become somewhat comedians and having to act stupid on shows? Why do fans think SM would let homin go? They can just leave them in SM and if they get any job, SM earns money. If they don't, SM don't have to pay them by keeping them there anyway. Know what happened to moon hee jun? SM made him pay to produce his next album because they said it didn't sell well. If it were so easy, shinhwa and jyj can just tell fans to stop buying, they don't have to sue. If 'fans' want to boycott, just boycott. Don't go around spreading foolish ideas. I really don't know why they can be so stupid and unreasonable sometimes! Ggrrr stop harming dbsk!

They blame homin for singing keep your head down. 
1. The song is not written by them
2. Even JYJ said that SM producers decided the concepts and everything and they had no say.
3. Did SM tell homin the song is about jyj?
4. Did homin think it is about jyj
5. It is not openly said that it is for jyj, so let's assume that even if SM told homin that it's about jyj, the best thing is to just sing it without thinking that way in their hearts. Because: since SM didn't say openly it's for jyj, jyj and fans won't be hurt.
They have waited for the longest time since debut, 2 years. Jyj also released 'the new beginning album' already. If they refuse to sing, they don't have to release an album anymore.  Will SM allow them? SM will put them in cold storage like not giving them activities or going on shows. Then at when are they going to release an album and have a comeback?What do they want them to do? Stans say they have a choice not to sing. What do they want them to do? Sue and leave because of refusing a song which is not even openly said it's for jyj? Refusal to sing means you must be prepared to sue to leave since you won't be releasing the album already, and u will get cancelled off activities.
Know that the Problem was never between the members. When the lawsuit begin, they still hung out so it is purely because of SM's problems that they sued. It was only some time into the lawsuit that misunderstandings started, which is highly because of SM. What SM wants is to prevent them from meeting and break their ties so that homin won't get influenced by jyj to sue  and won't develop hatred towards SM. SM is famous for their underhand tactics. SM only wanted to renew the 2 H.O.T members. They told the 2 members that they'll ask the 3 to renew their contracts after they did so. But they didn't ask the 3 to renew and the 3 thought they betrayed them by staying when they weren't asked to stay. The 2 thought they want to abandon H.O.T to have their own careers. The misunderstanding grew deeper and deeper and the truth only unraveled recently, they wasted 10 years by not having more faith in each other. Their golden period is already over. SM is surely sabotaging their relationship,  if u read what some korean cassies had seen...when the lawsuit just started, hm and jyj used different vans, different waiting rooms before performing. Staff also watched them closely. But yunjae were caught on video having lunch together 
and japanese staff said that he saw the 5 members eating ramen and laughing together. Why would people who have meals together refuse to use the same van and waiting room? Obviously it's not them who don't want to be together but sm preventing contact. That was only during the beginning of the lawsuit, as the lawsuit progress, SM will obviously do even more to prevent contact and cause misunderstandings. They can only read about what each other said through the newspapers and net. And stans are making it worse by stirring shit and exaggerating things, some even create false rumours -_-
 No matter how close people are, over a year of reading those news and not being able to communicate, being fed by SM's words for a year, after using homin to sing the song supposedly about jyj, the twitter thing, both sides will have misunderstandings more or less. If they can just be able to communicate for a day, I bet they will realise many are actually misunderstandings. Anyway, despite everything, they still have that place in each other's heart. To quote what jae said, they were not just together for 1 or 2 years. They lived together for 9 years, their bond cannot be cut off just like that. Refer to my other post.



Some public evidence is that yunho also talked about jaejoong to a fan and nods his head and smile when he heard jyj's song (junsu's voice).


Of couse stans again say yunho might thought it's a random song, didn't know it's jyj's song blah blah...hello? Junsu's voice is so unique and noticeable. When I was a new fan, even after hearing 2 to 3 songs, I could tell which part is sang by junsu already. Stans, let me ask u a question, when u listen to jyj's/dbsk songs, can u tell which part is junsu's? If u can, what makes u think the guy who trained with him for 9 years couldn't?
These are only evidence shared publicly. Yunjae fans who stalk private blogs, forums and try to befriend and talk to korean cassies (I'm 1 of them) have evidence (screencap of a reply from someone close to jyj( can't say who), fan accounts with photo evidences including photo by daebak chinese fanaccount by a stylist etc..know that they're fine.
I've ranted enough, no matter what, Cassiopeia means supporting the 5 of them. Don't know about the others but I'll always support them 5. When I said that I'll support them forever, I don't just say. I meant it. Not trying to be self righteous but just really disappointed with how easily cassies change. Have more faith in them. Let them continue to shine, no matter if it's 3 or 2. Doesn't mean that I'm supporting JYJ, I have to boycott DBSK and vice versa. In fact, Jaejoong is my bias but I think those JYJ biased fans are really too much to HoMin.. And homin stans say jyj is at fault because if they didn't sue, nothing would have happened, they would continue successfully so homin are victims. But put yourself in their shoes, can u stand being unpaid so fairly, overworked and tire yourself mentally and physically for so many years? Jyj stans, I've already said at the start of the post. Different people have different expectations. If you're okay with your work hours and pay and think that your company is the best in the industry, will u put your career on jeopardy, spend millions and years to sue if your friend dislike the company and has a different view?

This Article
Question 2. The establishment of a two-member TVXQ, honestly, we’re sad about this : O

SM recently announced that, “U-Know Yunho and Choikang Changmin, will form a two-member TVXQ, release a new song on January 5th and make a comeback.” What do JYJ think about this? Yoochun confessed that, “There is a side of us that is sad about this.” Because the team’s name was about the three members had worried about and discussed the most when they were creating their new team. But he added that, “But this is a decision that was made by SM. I’m sure that in their hearts, the two members are also feeling uncomfortable about this and are having a hard time because of it. But the decision has been made, so I hope all goes well for them.”

Jaejoong also added that, “Though we do feel a little sad that the two members are going to make a comeback as TVXQ, we are thankful that they didn’t say that TVXQ is now gone. We’re going to support the two members’ comeback.”

Question 3. But we will still be TVXQ eternally : 0

Though they are physically apart, their hearts are still one. Jaejoong stated, “Regardless of whether or not they are using the name now, even if the team name disappeared, we are still TVXQ. It was during our time as TVXQ that we shone the most and gave it our all. That is something that no one can deny.“

He continued to explain that, “We didn’t work hard to see who could do better between them and us. We worked hard with all our might because we felt that we should be successful enough as to not disgrace the name of TVXQ,” and “Though we have come to such a situation due to our problems with the agency, we are still members of TVXQ. The three of us alone cannot be TVXQ. Cassiopeia was created because they loved TVXQ as a whole, not because they loved individual members.”

Okay Those HoMin bashers don't even know the inside story, the reason for the 3:2 split, who's decision it is to use TVXQ name and they just bash. How do they even know that JYJ are not friends with HoMin anymore? Do they think JYJ will like it if they bash their friends? Just like how they bashed jung gun young when he tweeted a pic where jae was holding a cigg. Jae tweeted to gunyoung that he did nothing wrong! And jaejoong said he had seen many claiming they know the truth behind the split being circulated online but he said none of them guessed it right. (some said hm backed out last min blah blah, jj must have read all that)
Fact is none of us know the truth or why the 2 are staying, the 5 might have planned something or whatever. But if you were truly a fan of them, you could at least wait for the lawsuit to be over before judging. There could be things which they can only reveal after the lawsuit. I don't think stans were really true fans of them. If it were homin who sued sm, will jyj stans take hm's side and bash jyj? Vice versa for hm stans? I don't like hypocrites
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 @ 3:30 AM

Jaejoong oppa, how can you look so perfect? I'm so jealous T-T

Do you have to look so pretty in every angle?

I never knew a cut out board could be so sexy

Performing in the rain

Performing in the snow
Jaejoong is too pretty and I have too many photos so I'll upload after my exams